Beatriz Arroyo
Puesto: Investigador Científico del CSIC
Correo electrónico:
Trabajo en el Instituto de Investigación en Recursos Cinegéticos desde 2006. Anteriormente, estuve 4 años en Oxford en el Edward Grey Institute of Field Ornithology (EGI) para realizar mi tesis doctoral; 4 años en Francia en el Centre D´Etudes Biologiques de Chizé (CEBC-CNRS), como postdoctoral; y 6 años en Escocia en el Centre of Ecology and Hydrology, Banchory (CEH-Banchory) como investigadora.
Mis líneas de investigación tienen el objetivo general de contribuir a la compatibilización de las actividades humanas y la conservación de la fauna. Entre otros, mis intereses incluyen los siguientes temas:
Ecología y conservación de especies del género Circus (aguilucho cenizo, pálido, papialbo y negro).
Agricultura y conservación de avifauna agrícola
Gestión cinegética y sostenibilidad ambiental
Efecto de las molestias por actividades humanas en aves protegidas.
Gestión de conflictos ecológicos y de conservación
De forma creciente, me interesan también aspectos no ecológicos (sociales y económicos) asociados a la conservación del medio natural, y el impacto de estos sobre la transferencia de los resultados científicos a decisiones de gestión. Asimismo, me interesa la eficiencia y sostenibilidad de la gestión y conservación de fauna silvestre .
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Artículos en revistas SCI
En prensa|2022|2021|2020|2019|2018|2017|2016|2015|2014|2013|2012-1995
Artículos en Prensa
Arroyo, B. Estrada, A., Casas, F., Cardador, L., De Caceres, M., Bota, G, Giralt, D., Brotons, Ll. & Mougeot, F. Functional habitat suitability and urban encroachment explain temporal and spatial variations in abundance of a declining farmland bird, the little bustard Tetrax tetrax. Avian Cons. Ecol. (en prensa)
Carboneras, C., Moreno-Zarate, L. & Arroyo, B. 2022. The European Turtle-Dove in the ecotone between woodland and farmland: multi-scale habitat associations and implications for the design of management interventions. J. Ornithology 163: 339-355
Cabodevilla, X., Wright, A., Villanúa, D., Arroyo, B. & Zipkin, E. 2022. The implementation of irrigation causes declines in farmland birds. Agric. Ecosyst. Env. 323: 107701
Rabdeau, J., Arroyo., B., Mougeot, F., Badenhausser, I., Villers, A., Bretagnolle, V., Monceau, K. 2021. Do human infrastructures shape nest distribution in the landscape depending on individual personality in a farmland bird of prey? J. Anim. Ecol. 90: 2848-2858
Cabodevilla, X., Mougeot, F, Bota, G., Cuscó, F, Mañosa, S., Martinez-Garcia, J., Arroyo, B. & Madeira, M.J. 2021. Metabarcoding insights into the diet and trophic diversity of six declining farmland birds. Scientific Reports 11: 21131
Cabodevilla, X., Estrada, A., Mougeot, F., Jiménez, J. & Arroyo, B. 2021. Farmland composition and farming practices explain spatio-temporal variations in red-legged partridge density in central Spain. STOTEN 799: 149106
Delibes-Mateos, L., Moreno-Zarate, L., Peach, W & Arroyo, B. 2021. Estate-level decision-making and socioeconomics determine annual harvest in the European turtle dove in central Spain. STOTEN 791: 148168
Cabodevilla, X., Arroyo, B., Wright, A.D., Salguero, A.J. & Mougeot, F. 2021. Vineyard modernization drives changes in bird and mammal occurrence in vineyard plots in dry farmland. Agric. Ecosyst. Env. 315: 107448
Moreno-Zarate, L., Arroyo, B. & Peach, W. 2021. Effectiveness of hunting regulations for the conservation of a globally threatened species: the case of the European Turtle Dove in Spain. Biol. Cons. 256: art 10967
González del Portillo, D., Arroyo, B., García Simón, G. & Morales, M. B. 2021. Can current farmland landscapes feed declining steppe birds? Evaluating arthropod abundance for the endangered little bustard (Tetrax tetrax) in cereal farmland during the chick-rearing period: variations between habitats and localities. Ecology and Evolution 11: 3219-3238.
Armenteros, J.A, Caro, J., Sánchez-García, C., Arroyo, B. Tizado, E.J., Pérez, J.A. & Gaudioso, V. 2021. Do non-target species visit feeders and water troughs targeting small game? A study from farmland Spain using camera-trapping. Integrative Zoology 16: 226-239
Arroyo, B., Lafitte, J. Sourp, E., Rousseau, D., Albert, L., Heuacker, V., Terrasse J.F. & Razin, M. 2021. Population expansion and breeding success of Bearded Vultures Gyapetus barbatus in the French Pyrenees: results from long-term population monitoring. Ibis 163: 213-230.
Duriez, O., Margalida, A., Albert, L., Arroyo, B., Couanon, V., Loustau, H., Razin, M., & Mihoub, J.B. 2020. Tolerance of bearded vultures to human activities: response to Comor et al. (2019). Human-Wildlife Interactions 14: 531-537.
Delibes-Mateos, M., Arroyo, B., Ruiz, J., Garrido, F.E., Redpath, S. & Villafuerte, R. 2020. Conflict and cooperation in the management of European rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) damage to agriculture in Spain. People and Nature 2: 1223-1236
Serrano, D. Margalida, A., Pérez-García J.M., Juste, J., Traba, J., Valera, F., Carrete, M., Aihartza, J., Real, J., Mañosa. S., Flaquer, C., Garin. I., Morales, M.B., Alcalde, J.T., Arroyo, B., Sánchez-Zapata, J.A., Blanco, G., Negro, J.J., Tella, J.L., Ibañez, C., Tellería, J.L., Hiraldo, F., Donázar, J.A. 2020. Renewables in Spain threaten biodiversity. Science 370: 6521.
Guzmán JL, Viñuela, J, Carranza, J., Torres-Porras, J. & Arroyo, B. 2020. Red-legged partridge Alectoris rufa productivity in relation to weather, land use and releases of farm-reared birds. E. J. Wildl. Res. 66: art 87
Martínez-Jauregui, M.; Delibes-Mateos, M.; Arroyo, B. & Soliño M. 2020. Addressing social attitudes toward lethal control of wildlife in national parks. Cons. Biol. 34: 868-878
Vaquerizas, P.H., Delibes-Mateos, M., Piorno, V., Arroyo, B., Castro, F. & Villafuerte. R. 2020. The paradox of endangered European rabbits regarded as pests in the Iberian Peninsula: trends in subspecies matter. Endangered Species Research 43: 99–102.
Margalida, A., Jiménez, J., Martínez, J.M., Sesé, J.A., García-Ferré, D., Llamas, A., Razin, M., Colomer, M.A. & Arroyo, B. 2020. An assessment of population size and demographic drivers of the Bearded Vulture using integrated population models. Ecol. Monographs 90: e01414
Moreno-Zarate, L., Estrada, A., Peach, W., & Arroyo, B. 2020. Spatial heterogeneity in population change of the globally threatened European turtle dove in Spain: the role of environmental favourability and land use. Div. Dist. 26: 818-831
Cabodevilla X., Pérez-Tris J., Moreno-Zarate L, Pérez-Rodríguez A., Lima-Barbero J.F., Camacho M.C., Villanua D., Ibáñez R., Gerboles A. & Arroyo B. 2020. Age-related variation in wing shape differs between bird orders: implications for interpretation of the pointedness index (C2 axis) in size-constrained principal component analysis (SCCA). Ardeola 67: 341-354
Piorno V, Arroyo, B, Delibes-Mateos, M., Castro, F & Villafuerte, R. 2020. European rabbit hunting: management changes and inertia in the governance system in a period of population fluctuations. J. Nature Cons. 56: art 125832
Cabodevilla, X. Aebischer, N.J., Mougeot, F., Morales, M.B. & Arroyo B. 2020. Are population changes of endangered little bustards associated with releases of red-legged partridges for hunting? A large-scale study from central Spain. E. J. Wildl. Res. 66: art 30
Mougeot, F., Lambin, X., Arroyo, B. & Luque-Larena, J.J. 2020. Body size and habitat use of the common weasel Mustela nivalis vulgaris in Mediterranean farmlands colonised by common voles Microtus arvalis. Mammal Res. 65: 75-84
Lauret, V., Delibes-Mateos, M., Mougeot, F. & Arroyo, B. 2020. Understanding conservation conflicts associated with rodent outbreaks in farmland areas. Ambio 49: 1122-1133
Cabodevilla X., Pérez-Tris J., Moreno-Zarate L, Pérez-Rodríguez A., Lima-Barbero J.F., Camacho M.C., Villanua D., Ibáñez R., Gerboles A. & Arroyo B. Wing shape differences between juvenile and adult birds: the important role of moult and controversial C2 axis (SCCA) interpretation in birds with rounded wings. Ardeola
Cabodevilla, X. Aebischer, N.J., Mougeot, F., Morales, M.B. & Arroyo B. Releases of red-legged partridges for hunting and population trends of little bustards, an endangered steppe bird, in central Spain. EJWR
Lauret, V., Delibes-Mateos, M., Mougeot, F. & Arroyo, B. 2020. Using Q-methodology to understand conservation conflicts: management of rodent outbreaks in farmland areas. Ambio (
Martínez-Jauregui, M.; Delibes-Mateos, M.; Arroyo, B. & Soliño M. 2020. The survival of agroforestry biodiversity hotspots: dealing with social tolerance towards wildlife lethal control in National Parks. Cons. Biol.
Mougeot, F., Lambin, X., Arroyo, B. & Luque-Larena, J.J. 2020. Body size and habitat use of the common weasel Mustela nivalis vulgaris in Mediterranean farmlands colonised by common voles Microtus arvalis. Mammal Res (
Berger-Geiger, B., Galizia, C.G & Arroyo, B. 2019. Montagu´s harrier breeding parameters in relation to weather, colony size and nest protection schemes: a long-term study in Extremadura, Spain. J. Ornithology 160: 429:441
Casas, F., Mougeot, F., Morales, M., Arroyo, B., Hervás, I., García De la Morena, E., Fagan W. & Viñuela, J. 2019. Opposing population trajectories in two bustard species: a long-term study in a protected area in Central Spain. Bird Conservation International 29: 308-320
Garcia-Heras, M-S., Arroyo, B., Mougeot, F., Bildstein, K. J.F. Therrien & Simmons, R. 2019. Migratory patterns and settlement areas revealed by remote sensing in an endangered intra-African migrant bird of prey, the Black Harrier Circus maurus. PLOSone 14(1): e0210756
Roos, D., Caminero-Saldaña, C., Arroyo, B., Mougeot, F., Luque-Larena, JJ. & Lambin, X. 2019. Unintentional effects of environmentally-friendly farming practices: arising conflicts between zero-tillage and a crop pest, the common vole (Microtus arvalis). Agric. Ecosyst. Env. 272: 105-113
Cabodevilla, X., Moreno-Zárate, L. & Arroyo, B. 2018. Differences in wing morphology between juvenile and adult European Turtle Doves Streptopelia turtur: implications for migration and predator scape. Ibis 160: 458-463
Espín, S., Terraube, J., Arroyo, B., Limiñana, R., Vázquez Pumariño, X., Pinilla, A., García, J.T., Mateo, R. & Mougeot, F. 2018. Blood concentrations of p.p-DDE and PCBs in harriers breeding in Spain and Kazakhstan. STOTEN 624: 1287-1297
Garcia-Heras, M.S., Arroyo, B., Simmons, R.E., Camarero, P., Mateo, R. & Mougeot, F. 2018. Blood concentrations of PCBs and DDTs in an avian predator endemic to southern Africa: associations with habitat, electrical transformers and diet. Environmental Pollution 232: 440-449
Luque-Larena, J.J., Mougeot, F., Arroyo, B. & Lambin, X. 2018. “Got rats?” Global environmental costs of thirst for milk include acute biodiversity impacts linked to dairy feed production. Global Change Biology 24: 2752-2754
Mustin, K., Arroyo, B., Beja, P., Newey, S., Irvine, J., Kestler J. & Redpath, S. 2018. Consequences of game bird management for non-game species in Europe. J. App. Ecol 55: 2285-2295
Caro, J., Delibes-Mateos, M., Vázquez, C., Gómez-Camacho, J. & Arroyo, B. 2017. Exploring the views of hunting by Spanish hunters: effect of age and public vs anonymous discourses. EJWR 63: 88 (
Guzmán, J.L., Caro, J. & Arroyo, B. 2017. Factors influencing mobility and survival of Eurasian Woodcock wintering in Spain. Avian Conservation and Ecology 12(2):21 (
Tarjuelo, R., Morales, M.B., Arroyo, B., Mañosa, S. Bota, G., Casas, F. & Traba, J. 2017. Intra- and interspecific competition induce density-dependent habitat niche shifts in an endangered steppe bird. Ecology and Evolution 22: 9720-9730
Luque-Larena, J.J., Mougeot, F., Arroyo, B., Vidal, D., Rodríguez-Pastor, R., Escudero, R., Anda, P. & Lambin, X. 2017. Irruptive mammalian host populations shape tularaemia epidemiology. PLOS Pathogens 13(11):e1006622. (
Rodríguez-Pastor, R., Escudero, R., Vidal, MD, Mougeot, F., Arroyo, B., Lambin, X, Vila-Coro, AMVC, Rodríguez-Moreno, I., Anda, P, Luque-Larena, JJ. 2017. Density-dependent prevalence of Francisella tularensis in fluctuating vole populations in NW Spain. Emerging Infectious Diseases 23: 1377-1379
García-Heras, M.S., Arroyo, B., Simmons, R.E., Camarero, P.R., Mateo, R., García, J.T. & Mougeot. F. 2017. Pollutants and diet influence circulating carotenoid levels and integument coloration in nestlings of an endangered raptor. STOTEN 603-604: 299-307
Garcia-Heras MS, Mougeot F, Simmons RE & Arroyo B. 2017. Regional and temporal variations in diet and provisioning rates suggest weather limits prey availability for an endangered raptor. Ibis 159: 567-579
Arroyo B, Mougeot F & Bretagnolle V. 2017. Individual variation in behavioural responsiveness to humans leads to differences in breeding success and long-term population phenotypic changes. Ecology letters 20: 317-325
Garcia-Heras, M.S., Mougeot, F., Arroyo, B., Avery, G., Avery, M. & Simmons, R.E. 2017. Is the Black Harrier Circus maurus a specialist predator? Assessing the diet of a threatened raptor species endemic to southern Africa. Ostrich 88: 1-8
Arroyo, B., Caro, J., Muñoz, J., Diaz-Fernandez, S., Delibes-Mateos, M., Diaz-Fernandez, M. & Viñuela, J. 2017. Reconciling economic and ecological sustainability: can non-intensive hunting of red-legged partridges in central Spain be economically profitable? EJWR 63: 1-10
Casas F, Arroyo B, Viñuela J, Guzmán JL, Mougeot F (2016) Are farm-reared red-legged partridge releases increasing hunting pressure on wild partridge breeding stocks? European Journal of Wildlife Research 62: 79-84
Díaz M, Moreno E, Amat JA, Arroyo B, Barba E, González-Solís J, Laiolo P, De Lope F, Merino S, Obeso JR & Velando A. (2016) Ardeola, a scientific journal of ornithology: cooperative survivorship within the red queen game. Ardeola 63: 3-14
Díaz-Ruiz, F., Caro, J., Delibes-Mateos, M., Arroyo, B. y Ferreras, P. (2016) Drivers of red fox (Vulpes vulpes) daily activity: prey availability, human disturbance or habitat structure? Journal of Zoology, 298: 128-138.
Estrada, A., Delgado, M-P., Arroyo, B., Traba, J. & Morales, M. (2016) Forecasting large-scale habitat suitability of European bustards under climate change: the role of environmental and geographic variables. PLOS One 11(3): e0149810
Garcia-Heras M.S., Arroyo B., Mougeot F., Amar A., Simmons R.E. (2016) Does timing of breeding matter less where the grass is greener? Seasonal declines in breeding performance differ between regions in an endangered endemic raptor. Nature Conservation 15: 23-45
Mills J.A., Teplitsky C., Arroyo B. Charmantier A., Becker P.H., Birkhead T.R., Bize P., Blumstein DT, Bonenfant C., Boutin S, Bushuev A., Cam E., Cockburn A., Côté SD, Coulson JC, Daunt F, Dingemanse NJ, Doligez B., Drummond H., Espie RHM, Festa-Bianchet M., Frentiu F., Fitzpatrick JW, Furness RW, Garant D., Gauthier G., Grant PR, Griesser M., Gustafsson L., Hansson B., Harris MP, Jiguet F., Kjellander P., Korpimäkki E., Krebs CH, Lens L, Linnell JCD, Low M, McAdam A, Margalida A., Merilä J., Moller AP, Nakagawa S., Nilsson JA, Nisbet ICT, van Noordwijk, Oro D, Pärt T, Pelletier F, Potti J, Pujol B, Réale D, Rockwell RF, Ropert-Coudert Y, Roulin A, Thébaud C, Sedinger JS, Swenson JE, Visser ME, Wanless S, Westneat DF, Wilson AJ, Zedrosser A. 2016. Solutions for archiving data in long-term studies: a reply to Whitlock et al. 2016. TREE 31: 85-87.
Reino, L.M., Borralho, R. & Arroyo, B. 2016. Influence of game crops on the distribution and productivity of red-legged partridges Alectoris rufa in Mediterranean woodlands. European Journal of Wildlife Research, 62: 609-617
Santangeli, A., Arroyo, B., Dicks L.V., Herzon, I., Kukkala, AS., Sutherland, W.J. & Moilanen A. 2016. Voluntary non-monetary approaches to nature conservation. Biological Conservation. 197: 209–214
Torres-Orozco, D., Arroyo, B., Pomarol, M. & Santangeli, A. (2016) From conservation traps to conservation solutions: lessons from intensively managed Montagu’s harriers in Catalonia. Animal Conservation 19: 436-443
Cardador L., Brotons L., Mougeot F., Giralt D., Bota G., Pomarol M., Arroyo B. (2015) Conservation Traps and Long-Term Species Persistence in Human-Dominated Systems Conservation Letters 8: 456 – 462.
Jareño, D., Viñuela, J., Luque-Larena, J.J., Arroyo, L., Arroyo, B. & Mougeot, F. (2015) Factors associated with the colonization of agricultural areas by common voles Microtus arvalis in NW Spain. Biol. Invasions. 17: 2315.
Cardador L., Cáceres M.D., Giralt D., Bota G., Aquilué N., Arroyo B., Mougeot F., Cantero-Martínez C., Viladomiu L., Rosell J., Casas F., Estrada A., Álvaro-Fuentes J., Brotons L. (2015) Tools for exploring habitat suitability for steppe birds under land use change scenarios. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 200: 119 – 125
Delibes-Mateos M., Viñuela J., Arroyo B. (2015) Game managers’ views on the release of farm-reared red-legged partridges in hunting estates within central Spain. Journal for Nature Conservation 26: 1 – 8.
Estrada A., Delibes-Mateos M., Caro J., Viñuela J., Díaz-Fernández S., Casas F., Arroyo B. (2015) Does small-game management benefit steppe birds of conservation concern? A field study in central Spain. Animal Conservation 18: 567-575
Tarjuelo R., Barja I., Morales M.B., Traba J. Bénitez-López A., Casas F., Arroyo B., Delgado M.P., Mougeot, F. (2015) Effects of human activity on physiological and behavioral responses of an endangered steppe bird. Behavioural Ecology, 26: 828-838.
Caro J., Delibes-Mateos M., Viñuela J., López-Lucero J.F., Arroyo B. (2015) Improving decision-making for sustainable hunting: regulatory mechanisms of hunting pressure in red-legged partridge. Sustainability Science 10: 479 – 489
Santangeli, A., Arroyo, B., Millon, A. & Bretagnolle, V. 2015. Identifying effective actions to guide volunteer-based and nation-wide conservation efforts for a ground-nesting farmland bird. J. Appl. Ecol. 52: 1082-1091.
Mills J.A., Teplitsky C., Arroyo B. Charmantier A., Becker P.H., Birkhead T.R., Bize P., Blumstein DT, Bonenfant C., Boutin S, Bushuev A., Cam E., Cockburn A., Côté SD, Coulson JC, Daunt F, Dingemanse NJ, Doligez B., Drummond H., Espie RHM, Festa-Bianchet M., Frentiu F., Fitzpatrick JW, Furness RW, Garant D., Gauthier G., Grant PR, Griesser M., Gustafsson L., Hansson B., Harris MP, Jiguet F., Kjellander P., Korpimäkki E., Krebs CH, Lens L, Linnell JCD, Low M, McAdam A, Margalida A., Merilä J., Moller AP, Nakagawa S., Nilsson JA, Nisbet ICT, van Noordwijk, Oro D, Pärt T, Pelletier F, Potti J, Pujol B, Réale D, Rockwell RF, Ropert-Coudert Y, Roulin A, Thébaud C, Sedinger JS, Swenson JE, Visser ME, Wanless S, Westneat DF, Wilson AJ, Zedrosser A. Archiving primary data: solutions for long-term studies. TREE 30: 581-589.
Delibes-Mateos, M., Mougeot, F., Arroyo, B. & Lambin, X. 2015. Hunted predator: charisma confounds. Science 349: 1294
Tarjuelo, R., Barja, I., Morales, M.B., Traba, J., Benitez, A., Casas, F., Arroyo, B. & Mougeot, F. 2015. Effects of weekend human activity on physiological stress and behavioral responses of an endangered steppe-bird. Behav. Ecol. 26: 828-838
Caro, J., Delibes-Mateos, M., Estrada, A. Borralho, R., Gordinho, L., Reino, L., Beja, P., & Arroyo, B. 2015. Effect of management for small-game on Mediterranean farmland birds. Bird Conserv. Intern. 25:166-181
Guzmán, J.L. & Arroyo, B. 2015. Predicting winter abundance of woodcock Scolopax rusticola using weather data: implications for hunting management. European J. Wild. Res. 61: 467-474
Limiñana, R., Arroyo, B., Terraube, J., McGrady, M. & Mougeot. F. 2015. Using satellite telemetry and environmental niche modelling to inform conservation targets for a long-distance migratory raptor in its wintering grounds. Oryx. 49: 329-337.
Madden, C.F., Arroyo, B. & Amar, A. 2015. A review of the impacts of crows, ravens and Eurasian Magpies on bird productivity and abundance. Ibis 157:1-16
Cardador, L., Cáceres, M., Giralt, D., Bota, G., Aquilué, N., Arroyo, B., Mougeot, F., Cantero-Martinez, C., Viladomiu, L., Rossell, J., Casas, F., Estrada, A., Alvaro-Fuentes, J. & Brotons, Ll. 2015. Tools for informing land use planning in agricultural systems: exploring habitat suitability for steppe birds under land-use change scenarios. Agric. Ecosyst. Env. 200: 119-125.
Caro, J., Delibes-Mateos, M., Vicente, J. & Arroyo, B. 2014. A quantitative assessment of the release of farm-reared red-legged partridges (Alectoris rufa) for shooting in central Spain. E. J.Wildl. Res. 60: 919-926
Terraube, J. Guixé D. & Arroyo, B. 2014. Diet composition and foraging success in generalist predators: are specialist individuals better foragers? Basic and Applied Ecol. 15: 616-624
Santangeli, A., Di Minin, E. & Arroyo, B. 2014. Bridging the research implementation gap – Identifying cost-effective protection measures for Montagu’s harrier nests in Spanish farmlands. Biol. Cons. 177: 126-133
Delibes-Mateos, M., Giergiczny, M., Caro, J., Viñuela, J, Riera, P. & Arroyo, B. 2014. Does hunters´willingness-to-pay match the best hunting options for biodiversity conservation? A choice experiment application for partridge hunting in Spain. Biol. Cons. 177:36-42
Cardador, L., de Caceres, M., Bota, G., Giralt, D., Casas, F., Arroyo, B., Mougeot, F., Cantero, C., Moncunill, J., Butler, S. & Brotons, L. 2014. A resource-based modelling framework to assess the degree of habitat suitability for steppe birds in semiarid Mediterranean agricultural systems. PLOS One 9(3): e92790 (doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0092790)
Arroyo B., Leckie F., Amar, A., McCluskie, A. & Redpath, S. 2014. Ranging behaviour of hen harriers breeding in Special Protection Areas in Scotland. Bird Study 61: 48-55.
Jareño, D., Viñuela, J. Luque-Larena, J.J., Arroyo, L. Arroyo, B. & Mougeot, F. 2014. A comparison of methods for estimating common vole (Microtus arvalis) abundance in agricultural habitats. Ecological indicators 36: 111-119
Hobson, K. A., van Wilgenburg S.L., Guzmán, J.L. & Arroyo, B. 2013. Origins of juvenile Woodcock (Scolopax rusticola) harvested in Spain inferred from stable hydrogen isotope (δ2H) analyses of feathers. J. Ornithol. 154: 1087-1094
Talabante, C., Gómez, J., Aparicio, A. & Arroyo, B. 2013. Mixed clutches in Montagu´s harrier Circus pygargus nests: a maladaptive brood parasitism by galliform birds. Bird Study 60: 414-416.
Diaz-Fernandez, S., Arroyo, B. Viñuela, J., Patiño, I. & Riera, P. 2013. Market value of restocking and landscape management in red-legged partridge hunting. Wildlife Research 40: 336-343
Delibes-Mateos, M., Díaz-Fernández, S., Ferreras, P., Viñuela, J & Arroyo, B. 2013. The role of economic and social factors driving predator control in small game estates in central Spain. Ecology and Society. 18: 28.
Diaz-Fernandez, S., Arroyo, B., Casas, F., Haro, M., & Viñuela, J. 2013. Effect of management techniques on red-legged partridge abundance. PLOS One.
Luque-Larena, J.J., Mougeot, F., Viñuela, J., Jareño, D., Arroyo, L., Lambin, X., Arroyo, B.E. 2013. Recent large-scale range expansion and eruption of common vole (Microtus arvalis) outbreaks in agricultural plains of NW Spain. Basic and Applied Ecology 14: 432-441.
Arroyo, B. Mougeot, F. & Bretagnolle, V. 2013. Characteristics and functions of aerial displays of a semi-colonial raptor, the Montagu´s harrier. Journal Raptor. Res. 47: 185-196
Martinez-Padilla, J., Mougeot, F., García, J.T., Arroyo, B. & Bortolotti, G.R. 2013. Feather corticosterone levels and carotenoid-based coloration in common buzzard (Buteo buteo) nestlings. Journal Raptor Res. 47: 161-173
Mougeot, F., Gerrard, J., Dzus, E., Arroyo, B., Gerrard, P.N., Dzus, C. & Bortolotti, G. 2013. Population trends and productivity of Bald Eagles at Besnard Lake, Saskatchewan 1968-2010: density-dependent and climate effects. Journal Raptor Res. 47:96-107
Diaz-Fernandez, S., Viñuela, J. & Arroyo, B. 2012. Harvest of Red-legged partridge in central Spain. J. Wild. Manag. 76:1354–1363
Estrada, A., & Arroyo, B. 2012. Occurrence vs abundance models: differences between species with varying aggregation patterns. Biol. Cons. 152: 37-45.
Arroyo, B., Delibes-Mateos, M., Diaz-Fernandez, S., & Viñuela, J. 2012. Hunting management in relation to profitability aims: red-legged partridge hunting in central Spain. E J Wildl Res. 58:847-855
Zuberogoitia, I., Arroyo, B., O’Donoghue, B.G., Zabala, J., Martínez, J.A., Martínez, J.E. & Murphy, S.G. 2012. Standing out from the crowd: are patagial wing tags a potential predator attraction for harriers (Circus spp.)? J. Orn. 153:985–989
Terraube, J., Mougeot, F, Bragin, A., Bragin, E. & Arroyo, B. 2012. Ecological factors influencing the breeding distribution and success of a nomadic specialist predator. Biodiv. Cons. 21: 1835-1852
Limiñana, R, García J.T., Guerrero A., González J.M., Lavedán J., Moreno J.D, Muñoz A-R, Palomares, L.E., Pinilla A., Ros G., Serrano C, Surroca M, Tena J. & Arroyo B. 2012.
Phylopatry and natal dispersal of Montagu’s harriers Circus pygargus breeding in Spain: a review of existing data. E J Wildl Res. 58: 549-555
Blanco-Aguiar, JA., Delibes-Mateos, M., Arroyo, B., Ferreras, P., Casas, F., Real, R., Vargas, JM., Villafuerte, R. & Viñuela, J. 2012. Is the interaction between rabbit hemorrhagic disease and hyperpredation by raptors a major cause of the red-legged partridge decline in Spain?. E J Wildl Res. 58: 433-439
Terraube, J., Mougeot, F., Cornulier, T., Verma, A., Gavrilov, A. & Arroyo, B. 2012. Broad wintering range and intercontinental migratory divide within a core population of the near-threatened pallid harrier. Divers. Dist. 18 : 401-409.
Limiñana, R., Soutullo, A., Arroyo, B. & Urios, V. 2012. Protected areas do not fulfil the wintering habitat needs of the tras-Saharan migratory Montagu’s harrier. Biol. Cons. 145:62-69
Garcia JT, Alda F, Terraube J, Mougeot F, Sternalski, A., Bretagnolle V & Arroyo B. 2011. The genetic effects of Holocene climatic change on steppe-associated fauna: demographic history, genetic structure and gene flow of in a raptor species. BMC Evol Biol. 11: 333 (doi:10.1186/1471-2148-11-333).
Terraube, J. & Arroyo, B.E. 2011. Factors influencing diet variation in a generalist predator across its range distribution. Biodiv. Cons. 20: 2111-2131
Guixé D., & Arroyo, B. 2011. Appropriateness of Special Protection areas for wide ranging species: the importance of scale and protecting foraging, not just nesting habitats. Animal Cons. 14: 391-399
Guzmán, J.L., Ferrand, Y. & Arroyo, B. 2011. Origin and migration of woodcock wintering in Spain. E. J. Wildl. Res. 57: 647-655
Limiñana, R., Arroyo, B., Surroca, M., Urios, V. & Reig-Ferrer, A. 2011. The influence of habitat on nest location and reproductive output of Montagu’s Harriers breeding in natural vegetation. J. Ornithol. 152: 557-565
Margalida, A., Moreno-Opo, R., Arroyo, B.E. & Arredondo, A. 2011. Reconciling the conservation of endangered species with economically important anthropogenic activities: interactions between cork exploitation and the cinereous vulture in Spain. Animal Cons. 14: 167-174.
Terraube, J., Arroyo, B.E, Madders, M. & Mougeot, F. 2011. Diet specialization and foraging efficiency under fluctuating food abundance in sympatric avian predators. Oikos 120: 234-244
Estrada, A., Arroyo, B. & Márquez, A.L. 2010. Possible changes in favourability areas for Montagu’s and hen harriers in Spain according to climate change. Ardeola 57(Especial): 123-128.
Milner-Gulland, E.J., Arroyo, B., Bellard, C., Blanchard, J., Bunnefeld, N., Delibes-Mateos, M., Edwards, C., Nuno, A., Palazy, L., Reljic, S., Riera, P., & Skrbinsek, T. 2010. New directions in management strategy evaluation through cross-fertilisation between fisheries science and terrestrial conservation. Biol. Lett. 6: 719-722.
Terraube, J., Arroyo, B.E., Mougeot, F., Katzner, T. & Bragin, E. 2010. Breeding biology of the Montagu’s harrier (Circus pygargus) in north-central Kazakhstan. J. Ornithol. 151:713-722.
Bertran, J., Margalida, A. & Arroyo, B. 2009. Agonistic behaviour and sexual conflict in atypical social reproductive groups: the case of bearded vulture polyandric trios. Ethology 115: 429-438.
Arroyo, B., Amar, A., Leckie, F., Buchannan, G., Wilson, J. & Redpath, S. 2009. Hunting habitat selection by hen harriers on moorland: implications for conservation. Biol. Cons. 142: 586-596
Anderson, B.J., Arroyo, B., Collingham, Y. C., Etheridge, B., Fernandez-de-Simon, J., Gillings, S., Gregory, R., Leckie, F., Thomas, C. D., Travis, J., Redpath, S.M. 2009. Using distribution models to test alternative hypotheses about a species’ environmental limits and recovery prospects. Biol. Cons. 142: 488-499
Terraube, J., Arroyo, B.E., Mougeot, F, Madders, M., Watson, J. & Bragin, EA. 2009. Breeding biology of the Pallid harrier Circus macrourus in North-Central Kazakhstan: implications for the conservation of a Near-Threatened species. Oryx 42: 1-9.
Amar, A., Amidon, A., Arroyo, B., Esselstyn, J.A. & Marshall, A.P. 2008. Population trends of the forest bird community on the pacific island of Rota, Mariana islands. Condor 110: 421-427.
Millon, A. Arroyo, B.E., & Bretagnolle, V. 2008. Variable but predictable prey availability affects predator breeding success: natural vs. experimental evidence. J. Zool. 275:349-358.
Leckie, F., Arroyo, B.E., Thirgood. S.J. & Redpath, S.M. 2008. Parental differences in brood provisioning by Hen Harriers Circus cyaneus. Bird Study 55: 209-215.
Hernández, M., Gonzalez, LM, Oria, J., Sánchez, R. & Arroyo B. 2008. Influence of contamination by organichlorine pesticides and polychlorinated biphenyls on the breeding of the Spanish Imperial Eagle (Aquila adalberti). Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 27: 433-441.
Amar, A., Arroyo, B., Meek E., Redpath, S. & Riley H. 2008. Influence of habitat on breeding performance of Hen Harriers in Orkney. Ibis 150: 400-404.
Arroyo, B.E., Bretagnolle, V. & Leroux, A.L.A. 2007. Interactive effects of food and age on breeding in the Montagu’s Harrier Circus pygargus. Ibis. 149: 806-813
Gonzalez, L.M., Arroyo, B.E., Margalida, A., Sánchez, R. & Oria, J. 2007. Can buffer zones have detrimental effects on the conservation of Spanish Imperial Eagles? Anim. Cons.10: 295-296.
Margalida, A., Arroyo, B.E., Bortolotti, G. & Bertran, J. 2006. Prolonged incubation in raptors: adaptive or nonadaptive behaviour? J. Raptor Res. 40 : 159-163
Bro, E., Arroyo, B. & Migot, P. 2006. Conflict between grey partridge hunting and hen harrier protection in France: a review. Wildlife Biology. 12: 279-293.
Redpath, SM, Leckie, F., Arroyo, B., Amar, A. & Thirgood, S. 2006. Compensating for the costs of polygyny in hen harriers Circus cyaneus. Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol. 60: 386-391. Mougeot, F. & Arroyo, B.E. 2006. Ultraviolet reflectance by the cere of raptors. Biol. Letters 2: 173-176.
Arroyo, B.E. & García, J.T. 2006. Diet composition influences annual breeding success of Montagu’s harriers Circus pygargus feeding on diverse prey. Bird Study 53: 73-78.
Gonzalez, L.M., Arroyo, B.E., Margalida, A., Sánchez, R. & Oria, J. 2006. Effect of human activities on the behaviour of breeding Spanish Imperial Eagles Aquila adalberti: management implications for the conservation of a threatened species. Anim. Cons. 9: 85-93.
Mougeot F., Arroyo B.E. & Bretagnolle, V. 2006. Paternity assurance responses to first-year and adult male territorial intrusions in a courtship feeding raptor. Anim. Behav. 71: 101-108.
Arroyo, B & Razin M. 2006. Effect of human activities on Bearded Vulture behaviour and breeding success in the French Pyrenees. Biol. Cons. 128: 276-284.
Morales, M.B., Bretagnolle, V. & Arroyo, B. 2005. Viability of the endangered Little Bustard Tetrax tetrax population of western France. Biodiv. Cons. 14: 3135-3150. Morales, M.B., García, J.T. & Arroyo, B. 2005. Can landscape composition changes predict spatial and annual variation of little bustard male abundance? Anim. Cons. 8: 167-174
Valkama, J., Korpimäki, E. Arroyo, B., Beja, P., Bretagnolle, V., Bro, E., Kenward, R., Mañosa, S., Redpath, S., Thirgood, S. & Viñuela, J. 2005. Birds of prey as limiting factors of gamebird populations in Europe: a review. Biol. Review 80: 171-203.
García, J.T. & Arroyo, B.E. 2005. Food-niche differentiation in sympatric Hen and Montagu’s harriers. Ibis 147: 144-154.
Arroyo, BE, Minguez, E, Palomares, L. & Pinilla, L. 2004. The timing and pattern of moult of flight feathers in the European Storm-petrel Hydrobates pelagicus in Atlantic and Mediterranean breeding areas. Ardeola 51: 365-373.
Amar, A., Arroyo, B., Redpath, S. & Thirgood S. 2004. Habitat variability predicts grouse predation rates by hen harriers. J. Appl. Ecol. 41: 305-314.
Redpath, S.M., Arroyo, B.E., Leckie, F., Bacon, P., Baifield, N., Gutierrez, R.J & Thirgood, S. 2004. Using decision modelling with stakeholders to reduce human-wildlife conflict: a raptor – grouse case study. Cons. Biol. 18: 350-359.
Arroyo, B.E. 2002. Sex biased nestling mortality in the Montagu’s harrier Circus pygargus. J. Avian Biol. 33: 455-460.
García, J.T. & Arroyo, B.E. 2002. Intra and interspecific agonistic behaviour in sympatric harriers during the breeding season. Anim. Behav. 64: 77-84.
Redpath, S.M., Arroyo, B.E., Etheridge, B., Lekie, F.M., Bowman, K., Thirgood, S. 2002. Temperature and hen harrier productivity: from local mechanisms to geographical patterns. Ecography 25: 533-540.
Arroyo, B.E. 2002. Fledgling sex ratio variation and future reproduction probability in Montagu’s Harrier, Circus pygargus. Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol. 52: 109-116.
Arroyo, B.E., García, J.T. & Bretagnolle, V. 2002. Conservation of the Montagu’s Harrier (Circus pygargus) in agricultural areas. Anim. Conserv. 5: 283-290.
Arroyo B.E. & García, J.T. 2002. Alloparental care and kleptoparasitism in the semi-colonial Montagu’s Harrier Circus pygargus. Ibis 144: 676-679.
Jiguet, F., Jaulin, S. & Arroyo, B.E. 2002. Resource defence on exploded leks: do male little bustards, T. tetrax, control resources for females? Anim. Behav. 63: 899-905.
Morales, M.B., Jiguet, F. & Arroyo, B.E. 2001. Exploded leks: what bustards can teach us. Ardeola 48: 85-98.
Arroyo, B.E., De Cornulier, Th. & Bretagnolle, V. 2002. Parental investment and parent-offspring conflicts during the post-fledging period in Montagu’s Harriers. Anim. Behav..63: 235-244.
García, J.T. & Arroyo, B.E. 2001. Effect of abiotic factors on reproduction in the centre and periphery of breeding ranges: a comparative analysis in sympatric harriers. Ecography 24: 393-402.
Arroyo, BE, Mougeot, F & Bretagnolle, V. 2001. Colonial breeding and nest defence in Montagu’s harrier (Circus pygargus). Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol. 50: 109-115.
Mougeot, F., Arroyo, B.E. & Bretagnolle, V. 2001. Decoy presentations as a means to manipulate the risk of extrapair copulation: an experimental test of paternity assurance strategies in a semi-colonial raptor, the Montagu’s harrier Circus pygargus. Behav. Ecol. 12:1-7.
Jiguet, F., Arroyo, B. & Bretagnolle, V. 2000. Lek mating systems: a case study in the Little Bustard Tetrax tetrax. Behav. Process 51: 63-82.
Amar, A., Arroyo, B.E. & Bretagnolle, V. 2000. Post-fledging dependency and dispersal in hacked and wild Montagu’s Harriers Circus pygargus. Ibis 142: 21-28.
Arroyo, B.E., De Cornulier, Th. & Bretagnolle, V. 2000. Sex and age determination of short-eared owl nestlings. Condor 102:216-219.
Arroyo, B.E. & Bretagnolle, V. 1999. Breeding biology of the short-eared owl Asio flammeus in agricultural habitats in southwestern France. J. Raptor Res 33: 287-294.
Arroyo, B.E. & Bretagnolle, V. 1999. Field identification of Little Bustard males using plumage patterns. Ardeola 46: 53-60.
Wilson, J.D.; Morris, A.J.; Arroyo, B.E.; Clark, S.C.; Bradbury, R.B.1999. A review of the abundance and diversity of invertebrate and plant foods of granivorous birds in northern Europe in relation to agricultural change. Agric. Ecosyst. Env. 75: 13-30.
Arroyo, B.E. 1999. Copulatory behavior of semi-colonial Montagu’s Harrriers. Condor 101: 340-346.
Arroyo, B.E. 1998. Effect of diet on the reproductive success of Montagu’s Harrier Circus pygargus. Ibis 140: 690-693.
García, J.T. & Arroyo, B.E. 1998. Migratory movements of western European Montagu’s Harrier Circus pygargus: a review. Bird Study 45: 188-194.
Arroyo, B.E., Leroux, A.B.A. & Bretagnolle, V. 1998. Patterns of egg and clutch size variation in the Montagu’s Harrier. J. Raptor Res. 32: 136-142.
Arroyo, B.E. & García, J.T. 1997. Between-brood cannibalism in the Montagu’s Harrier. J Raptor Res 31: 286-287.
Palomares, L.E.; Arroyo, B.E.; Marchamalo, J.; Sainz, J.J. & Vesboren, B. 1997. Sex- and age-related biometric variation of Black-headed Gulls Larus ridibundus in Western European populations. Bird Study 44: 310-317.
Arroyo, B.E. 1997. Diet of Montagu’s Harrier Circus pygargus in central Spain: analysis of temporal and geographic variation. Ibis 139: 664-672.
Arroyo, B.E. & King, J.R. 1996. Age and sex differences in molt of the Montagu’s Harrier. J Raptor Res 30: 161-184.
Arroyo, B.E. 1996. Successful breeding by a first-year male Montagu’s Harrier. Bird Study 43: 383-384.
Arroyo, B.E. 1996. A possible case of polyandry in Montagu’s Harrier. J Raptor Res 30: 100-102.
Arroyo, B.E.; King, J.R. & Palomares, L.E. 1995. Observations on the ecology of Montagu’s and Marsh Harriers wintering in north-west Sénégal. Ostrich 66: 37-40.
Otras Publicaciones
Souchay G., Aebischer, N., Arroyo, B., Blanco-Aguiar, J.A., Meriggi, A., Porto, M, Reino, L. & Ponce-Boutin, F. 2022. Red-legged partridge monitoring and population trends. In: Casas, F. & García, J.T. (Eds). The Future of the Red-Legged Partridge: science, hunting and conservation. Wildlife Research Monographs vol 6. Springer. (in press)Arroyo, B., Caro, J. & Delibes-Mateos, M. 2022. Socio-economics of red-legged partridge hunting in Spain. In: Casas, F. & García, J.T. (Eds). The Future of the Red-Legged Partridge: science, hunting and conservation. Wildlife Research Monographs vol 6. Springer. (in press)
Silva, J.P., Arroyo, B., Marques, A.T., Morales, M., Devoucoux, P., & Mougeot. F. 2022. Threats affecting little bustards: human impacts. In : Bretagnolle, V, Traba, J. & Morales, M. (eds). Little Bustard: Ecology and Conservation. Wildlife Research Monographs vol 5. Springer. Pp 243: 271.
Arroyo, B. & Moreno-Zarate, L. 2021. Gestión de especies migratorias en declive: la tórtola europea. In: Miguel Delibes-Mateos (Coord.). Actas IV Jornada de caza, pesca y naturaleza: Codorniz, tórtola, becada y otras especies cinegéticas migratorias. Fundación Miguel Delibes. Pp: 73-93.
Mateo, R., Arroyo, B. & Gortazar, C. (Eds). 2021. El papel de la caza en la gestión de la sobreabundancia de especies cinegéticas. Ediciones de la UCLM, Cuenca. 10.18239/jornadas_2021.30.00
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Delibes-Mateos, M., Arroyo, B., Ruiz, J., Garrido, F.E. & Villafuerte, R. Conflicto y cooperación: percepción de los actores implicados sobre los daños de conejo y su gestión. Implicaciones para mecanismos coordinados de gestión. 2021. En: Mateo, R., Arroyo, B. & Gortazar, C. (Eds). El papel de la caza en la gestión de la sobreabundancia de especies cinegéticas. Ediciones de la UCLM, Cuenca. 10.18239/jornadas_2021.30.00
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Terraube, J., Mougeot, F., Auvinen, A.P. & Arroyo, B. 2021. Pallid harrier Circus macrourus. In: Panuccio M., Mellone U & Agostini N. (Eds). Migration Strategies of Birds of Prey in Western Palearctic. CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida. Pp. 146-151
Arroyo, B. & Nadal, J. Perdiu Roja Alectoris rufa. 2021. In Franch, M., Herrando, S., Anton, M., villero, D. & Brotons, L. (Eds.) Atles d´ocells nidificants de Catalunya. Distribuició i abundancia 2015-2018 i canvi des de 1980. ICO/Cossetània Edicions. Barcelona. Pp. 116-117
Carboneras, C., Bota, G., Sardà-Palomera, F., Santisteban, C. & Arroyo, B. Tórtora de bosc Streptopelia turtur. 2021. In Franch, M., Herrando, S., Anton, M., villero, D. & Brotons, L. (Eds.) Atles d´ocells nidificants de Catalunya. Distribuició i abundancia 2015-2018 i canvi des de 1980. ICO/Cossetània Edicions. Barcelona. Pp. 150-151
López-Jiménez, N. & Arroyo, B. 2021. Aguilucho pálido, Circus cyaneus. En: López-Jiménez, N. (Ed.): Libro Rojo de las Aves de España, pp. 300-305. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid
López-Jiménez, N. & Arroyo, B. 2021. Aguilucho cenizo, Circus pygargus. En: López-Jiménez, N. (Ed.): Libro Rojo de las Aves de España, pp. 542-548. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid
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Carboneras, C., & Arroyo, B. 2020. European Turtle-dove Streptopelia turtur In: European Breeding Bird Atlas 2. (eds. Keller et al.). Lynx Editions, Barcelona, Spain. Pp 186-187
Arroyo, B. 2020. El aguilucho cenizo en España. En: ITUCI Verde. El aguilucho cenizo en el campo de Tejada. Diputación de Huelva. Pp. 181-193
Arroyo, B., Molina, B. & Del Moral, J.C. 2019. El aguilucho cenizo y el aguilucho pálido en España. Población reproductora en 2017 y método de censo. SEO/BirdLife. Madrid.
Arroyo, B. 2017. Gestión para la caza sostenible de la perdiz roja. In: Miguel Delibes-Mateos (Coord.). Actas I Jornada de caza, pesca y Naturaleza: La perdiz roja. Fundación Miguel Delibes/Universidad de Málaga. Pp: 87-106
Santangeli, A. & Arroyo, B. 2017. The Montagu´s harrier Circus pygargus in Spain: population status and trend, nesting hábitat, nest protection measures and conservation solutions. Vogelwelt 137: 191-196
García, J.T., Jiménez, J., Mateo, R. & Arroyo, B. 2016. Wildlife research: towards a better coexistence between people and wildlife In: Mateo, R., Arroyo, B. & García, J.T. (Eds.). Current trends in wildlife research. Springer. Pp: 283-293
Arroyo, B., Mateo, R., & García, J.T. 2016. Trends in wildlife research: a bibliometric approach. In: Mateo, R., Arroyo, B. & García, J.T. (Eds.). Current trends in wildlife research. Springer. Pp 1-28.
Casas, F., Arroyo, B., Mougeot, F., & Viñuela, J. 2014. Claves para una gestión agraria enfocada a la conservación de la perdiz roja. En: Pérez, J.A. y Sánchez.García, C. (eds) Seminario Nacional de Perdices I, León 13-15 de mayo de 2011. Libro de Resúmenes. pp. 82-94.
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Contribución de los parques nacionales al desarrollo rural: estudio comparativo con la caza. En: Ramirez, L. & Asensio, B. (eds). Proyectos de investigación en Parques Nacionales: 2007-2010. Pp: 278-291.Mº Medio Ambiente y Medio Rural y Marino. Madrid.
Cardador L., Bota G., Giralt D., Casas F., Arroyo B., Cantero C., Mougeot F., Viladomiu L., Moncunill J., Brotons L. 2012. Aves amenazadas y agricultura: nuevas aproximaciones en las estrategias de conservación. Lynchos 9.
Brotons L., Bota G., Giralt D., Arroyo B., Mougeot F., Cantero C., Viladomiu L., 2010. “A step forward”. Economically viable farming and conservation of threatened bird species. Lynchos 3: 29-33
Terraube J., Mougeot F., Arroyo B., Bragi E. 2010. Naurzum, una reserva excepcional para las rapaces. Aves y Naturaleza 2: 26-32
Arroyo B., Pinilla A., Mougeot F., Cristal F., Guerrero A. 2009. Estudio de la ecología poblacional del aguilucho cenizo Circus pygargus en Extremadura. Servicio de Conservación de la Naturaleza y Espacios Naturales Protegidos, Junta de Extremadura pp 1-52.
Arroyo B., Pinilla A., Mougeot F., Cristal F., Guerrero A. 2009.Estu dio de la ecología poblacional del aguilucho cenizo Circus pygargus en Extremadura. Servicio de Conservación de la Naturaleza y Espacios Naturales Protegidos, Junta de Extremadura pp 1-52.